Machine learning applications for novel biomarker & target discovery.
Sarcopenia is an aging-related disease characterized by muscle mass loss and wasting, and is among the most significant causes of frailty among the elderly.
Despite it being a detrimental condition, it only recently, as of October 1, 2016, received the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) code, M62. 84, thus being recognized as a distinct disease.
We are analyzing patient characteristics for sarcopenia to elucidate risk factors and comorbidities, and developing biomarkers for early detection.
Our recent presentations:
Goodfield LF and Tsurumi A. "Characterizing the first 6-year hospital data for sarcopenia using its first International Classification of Diseases (ICD) diagnosis code.”
George Washington School of Public Health Research Day, Apr. 2024
UK Building Links in Ageing Science and Translation (BLAST) Sexual Dimorphism in Ageing Symposium, Jun. 2024