Machine learning applications for novel biomarker & target discovery.


Sarcopenia is an aging-related disease characterized by muscle mass loss and wasting, and is among the most significant causes of frailty among the elderly.

Despite it being a detrimental condition, it only recently, as of October 1, 2016, received the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) code, M62. 84, thus being recognized as a distinct disease.

We are analyzing patient characteristics for sarcopenia to elucidate risk factors and comorbidities, and developing biomarkers for early detection.

Our recent presentations:

Goodfield LF and Tsurumi A. "Characterizing the first 6-year hospital data for sarcopenia using its first International Classification of Diseases (ICD) diagnosis code.”

  • George Washington School of Public Health Research Day, Apr. 2024

  • UK Building Links in Ageing Science and Translation (BLAST) Sexual Dimorphism in Ageing Symposium, Jun. 2024